Format: Book, Website

Description: The Gender Book is a website for a 90 page book with graphics on many topics concerning gender. The book was created by four authors of varying identities with the aid of surveys, interviews and community collaborators from all around the world. The book is available in a pay-what-you-want e-book format, or print copies can be purchased for $30 (hardcover) or $300 for a class set. The book is available on the website as a text only version, in large print, and translated into German and Spanish. The website also offers other resources available to viewers, like the free, online, 6 page Gender booklet covering some basics from the Gender Book educational posters and creator contacts. The authors of the project can be contacted for public speaking events through their site.



Mays, J. & Reif Hill, M. (2014). The gender book. Houston, TX: Marshall House Press.